Considerations for Buying a Southern California Home Without Earthquake Retrofitting
If you are considering purchasing a home in California, you have likely considered how well it would stand up to an earthquake. If you haven’t, you should. Southern California property owners know that there is a near-constant chance for an earthquake at all times. Even a small earthquake can cause serious, expensive damage, especially in homes that are not fortified and prepared for seismic activity. Fortunately, more and more modern homes are being built with necessary fortifications. However, there are still many homes that are unprepared and in need of earthquake retrofitting in Southern California and beyond. Read on to learn about the hazards of purchasing a home that has not been properly strengthened.
Risk of Injury
The most important hazard associated with earthquakes is injury. You and your family and friends spend lots of time in your home. It should be a place where you can feel safe at all times. In California, real safety and peace of mind in the home is hard to achieve if the structure could collapse any minute upon the occurrence of an earthquake. If the home is in need of extensive strengthening that will take time to complete, you may want to keep looking, especially if you need to move quickly. Earthquake retrofits, such as chimney strengthening and cripple wall bracing, can make all the difference. Don’t take the risk; your safety and that of your family is critical. Before moving into a home, make sure it is safe for occupancy. There are quality, affordable earthquake retrofitting services in Southern California like VCE that can help.
Lower Property Value
Seismic retrofits should be considered when it comes to the value of a home you are thinking of buying. You will likely need an appraisal or some other verification that all necessary measures have been taken to fortify the home. If retrofits are needed, this should factor into the price. You will want to negotiate this with the seller before making an offer on the property, as you likely will be required to make these repairs in accordance with local legislation, as you are in San Francisco.
Legal Compliance
As mentioned, if the property you want to buy does not comply with local ordinances, you will need to have it strengthened immediately. This process can take time, depending on which retrofits the home needs. This must be considered in your decision to purchase the home as well as your timeline for moving in Consult with a San Francisco earthquake retrofitting expert to determine which fortifications the home needs and how long they would take to complete.
Risk of Property Damage
Every year, there are two to three earthquakes on average in California that are strong enough to cause at least moderate property damage. Your home is likely your most important financial investment. Accordingly, you want to protect it. Earthquakes pose a constant threat not only to your home itself, but to all of your valuables and property that you keep inside. It can take only a few moments for massive damage to occur, and sentimental items that cannot be replaced can be destroyed. Wall and roof collapse and other common types of residential earthquake damage can be prevented or slowed down by earthquake retrofits. If you are thinking of buying a home that has not been strengthened, you will want to consider making these changes before moving in. Strengthening your home is an investment in protection for virtually all of your assets and belongings.
Contact Victor Construction & Engineering
If you are purchasing a home in San Francisco that needs earthquake retrofitting, call (415) 235-5656. We can help ensure your new home is safe, secure, and prepared for the likely event of an earthquake. Contact us to make an appointment for seismic retrofitting in San Francisco and throughout Marin County today.