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Victor Construction
Serving the San Francisco and Marin County areas

icon_widget_image (415) 472-9144 icon_widget_image mel@vcesf.com
structural and earthquake engineering in the San Francisco and Marin County Areas
Victor Construction

Moisture Detection

The San Francisco and Marin Country Earthquake Seismic Retrofitting and Dry Rot Repair experts


Victor Construction & Engineering is San Francisco’s choice for moisture detection solutions. We offer a range of residential and commercial services, including moisture detection for apartments, commercial buildings, and homes. With our expertise and cutting-edge technology, we can identify and address moisture-related issues quickly and at the lowest cost possible. Trust us to deliver the best Marin County moisture detection solutions that will protect your investment and provide you with peace of mind.

Image of water damage caused by moisture on VCE's website


At Victor Construction & Engineering, our comprehensive moisture detection inspection services go beyond surface-level evaluations. We understand that moisture intrusion can cause severe damage to your property if left undetected. That’s why our skilled inspectors meticulously assess every aspect of your property to identify any signs of moisture intrusion or damage.

Advanced Tools and Techniques

Equipped with state-of-the-art tools and employing cutting-edge techniques, our trained inspectors are able to uncover even the most elusive moisture sources. We go beyond what meets the eye, using specialized equipment such as moisture meters, thermal imaging cameras, and moisture mapping technologies to detect moisture accumulation behind walls, under flooring, or in hard-to-reach areas.

Evaluation of Moisture Damage

Identifying moisture intrusion is only the first step. Our inspectors also evaluate the extent of the damage caused by the moisture. By assessing affected materials, such as drywall, wood, or insulation, we determine the severity of the moisture-related issues. This evaluation allows us to provide you with a clear understanding of the potential risks and necessary remediation measures.

Proactive Measures

By catching moisture issues early on, our comprehensive inspections enable you to take proactive measures to prevent further deterioration. We highlight areas that require immediate attention and offer practical solutions to mitigate the effects of moisture intrusion. Our recommendations may include moisture barrier installation, improved ventilation, or targeted repairs to prevent future moisture-related problems.

Image of a person holding a moisture meter up to a wall


At Victor Construction & Engineering, we understand that every property is unique, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Our team of experienced professionals provides high-quality service every time to ensure that your property is protected from water leaks. Our goal is to make sure every residential property is protected from costly, dangerous leaks.

In addition to our water leak inspection services, we also offer a wide range of other services to meet your construction and engineering needs.

From building renovations to earthquake retrofitting, our team has the expertise and experience to deliver exceptional results.


Victor Construction & Engineering is a trusted moisture detection inspection company serving Marin County and San Francisco. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable inspection services. We prioritize your peace of mind by delivering detailed reports and recommendations based on our findings. With our assistance, you can protect your investment and maintain a safe and healthy living environment.

When it comes to moisture detection services in Marin County and San Francisco, Victor Construction & Engineering is your go-to partner. With our moisture detection services, you can prevent costly repairs, preserve property value, and create a safe living environment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to book a comprehensive moisture detection inspection. Trust us to protect your residential or commercial property from the damaging effects of moisture intrusion.

Unlock the potential

Call us today for immediate service: (415) 472-9144

