The owners of this 120-year-old home that had been in the family for many generations noticed the foundation turning in on itself and called us to fix the problem. It is important to build homes from wood because it is flexible – very important when there is a Marin County earthquake – but wood is susceptible to dry rot. Floors start to crack, walls buckle, sometimes the center of the house sags. This was the case here.
We came in to see what needed to be done to level the floors and strengthen the perimeter foundation. We set out to do that by installing a new grade beam foundation and support system. Along with this, we installed specialized bolts and Simpson® hardware to strengthen and stabilize the home for more resistance from separating or pulling apart when a house moves in the event of an earthquake.
Every time we improve someone’s home, we implement earthquake resistant measures and materials. Don’t wait for the next earthquake to strike and damage your home; contact us for the best foundation repair services in Marin County.